Saturday, June 9, 2012

Annular Solar Eclipse 05/20/2012

These are the photos that I took during the annular solar eclipse on 05/20/2012. We were lucky enough to be able to watch the eclipse through Paul's telescope and through some solar shade glasses. The sun is the white part and it's getting blocked out by the moon. The dots on the sun are sun spots.

We also had some clouds move in front of the sun

The next two photos are sideways and I don't know how to fix that on this blog site. Sorry.

This next photo is the sun disappearing behind a house before the eclipse was completely over.

These are the solar shade glasses that we got to be able to look at the sun.

Paul setting up his telescope.

This duck randomly showed up in our driveway. It stayed for probably an hour. Charlie, our dog, was more afraid of the duck than the duck was afraid of Charlie.

This is the max we were able to see of the moon in front of the sun. In other locations people were able to see a full ring.

This is what the sun looked like through our solar shade glasses. The pictures couldn't pick up the difference in the sun from the eclipse, but you can tell a little in the first one. We could see it clearly when we were wearing the glasses though.